Tenshingoso Kumite

To read before performing : This page contains small videos about the various ways to perform Tenshingoso with a partner (kumite). Before engaging into its study, you should already know how to perform the globality of Tenshingoso in sei and dai manners. Watch this video carefully several times then perfom the kata by imitation.  The partners should get in contact by first bowing formaly to each other then the following person will clasp hands on the leader's wirst (roles to be decided before). When the leader has finished Tenshingoso in the final U(n), the follower becomes the leader  after a small pause and without breaking the connection performs one's Tenshingoso. We strongly recommand you to get a regular advise on your practice by meeting a qualified Shintaido instructor. You may ask the contact of an appropriate instructor (language, location, etc.) to the webmaster.

Performances by Giovanni Rossi and Clélie Dudon then by Pierre Quettier and Alain Chevet
Tenshingoso sei in seiza :
As in the individual performance,
Tenshingoso kumite may be done in the sei and dai fashion.
For the sei fashion, it is best suited performed in the
sitting (seiza) position, if possible.

Tenshingoso dai, standing :
Performed in the standing dai fashion, Tenshingoso kumite
may be accomplished without moving or with a
slight displacement according to the situation.

This video present a detail of the hands movements
during Tenshingoso kumite.
Then contact (ma) should be as full as possible
according to the situation.
The best way is to experience kumite with a partner,
to get to understand potential problems,
then check this video for accurate hands positions.