Details of opening and ending in performing Tenshingoso Sei

To read before performing : This page contains small videos about details in performing Tenshingoso-sei. Before engaging into its study, you should already know how to perform the globality of Tenshingoso-sei. Watch this video carefully several times then perfom the kata by imitation.  We strongly recommand you to get a regular advise on your practice by meeting a qualified Shintaido instructor. You may ask the contact of an appropriate instructor (language, location, etc.) to the webmaster.

Performance by Mieko Hirano and Alain Chevet

Starting Tenshingoso-sei, you should open you toes
before putting your right foot apart
Details of the "A" movement.
Then, between "A" and "E" movements, you should twist
your hands up and inside (putting little fingers together).
Don't go backward too much.
To get in the final "U(n)" position, from the end of
the "O" movement, put your right hand non top
of the left hand and bring them back to your
solar plexus, turning them accordingly on each other,
then down in the tipycal "U(n)" hand mudra.
In the first part of the movement, don't pull too
much toward your face or toward the outside.
Final feet movement